
We offer

Routine checkups for all adults

Knowledgeable care of the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) community

Comprehensive care plan

What our patients say about us

Dr. Kwok is the best doctor I’ve ever had! She is thorough in explaining test results, and patiently answers whatever health concerns I bring up.


She has always been there to support me and offer the most thoughtful treatment plans.


She is kind, personable, knowledgeable, and professional.


Plus, her specialist referrals are excellent. It gives me great comfort to know that I’m getting the best care from Dr. Kwok.

This is the best doctor. She cared for both my mother and myself. Due to her attentive care, my mother was able to add an additional 2 years to her life.


Dr. Kwok's close monitoring and hands on approach gave my sister and I a gift we could not appreciate any more - extra time with our mother.


Dr. Kwok really cares about her patients and gives you the time you need in your appts. I can't recommend her highly enough.

Dr. Kwok is an exceptional doctor. She is kind, empathetic, knowledgeable, personable, professional, and is always attentive and willing to take time to talk to me about my concerns without me feeling rushed.


Her preventative approach to healthcare and her excellent referrals throughout the 20 years that I've been with her has restored my faith in the medical profession.


She is the best primary care physician I've ever had in my life!!